Let's start with what a portrait is, at least in my mind. A portrait is a visual expression of a person's spirit and physical appearance. And again in my mind, if you're going for more of a physical representation, photography is the best medium. Not to say there aren't some truly amazing photograpers out there that are able to invoke the subject's personality and mood. However, painting or drawing lends itself to the expression of the soul.
That being said, if you have 2 or more people in a portrait, with 2 or more personalities, it is very difficult to convey who each of them is. In essence, you are really describing the spirit of their relationship, rather than that of each individual. And, while a relationship can be complex and beautiful, and definitely worth exploring in a painting, the spirit of each individual is never fully realized. It's that individual spirit and life experience that I am passionate about expressing with color and light and brushstrokes.
For example, this portrait of Morgan illuminates her beauty in a contemplative moment. The strong lighting casts shadows on her face suggesting a hidden part of herself; one that takes a bit of studying to know. The colors in the painting, while at contrast with one another in their pure form, have been glazed with a warmth that softens and calms them. Instead of a strong, direct gaze, her eyes are looking away in thought. This portrait has been my favorite since I painted it. You can't see it from this angle, but the image wraps around the edge of the canvas - from the right side you see her shoulder and from the left, the edge of her hood and the hair that spills out of it. It could be placed in a frame, but I really like it hung the way it is.
At any rate, it's hard to imagine another person in the painting with her. If there were, it would cease to be about her. All the nuances would be lost as the two subjects would try to relate to each other. It just wouldn't be as powerful.
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